
In recent years cryptocurrency has become headline news. But, even as a market currently valued at around $2 trillion, for many people it's shrouded in mystery.

Novo's aim is simple; provide cryptocurrency news and pricing information to a global audience in an understandable way. Through the best aggregated news stories and contextual pricing information, Novo gives its users much greater power when it comes to investing in what can often be perceived as a confusing, fast-moving medium.

Team Dave Bowers Ben Howarth Oliver Suchomski Jon Walden Alastair Dickie
Deliverables Brand Identity Strategy Web Design

It's crypto,
but not as we know it.

We were asked to create, strategise and position a new brand that would demystify crypto and have mass-market appeal. Through our initial research we quickly discovered that stripping everything back to basics was the key: no fussiness, nothing too technical-looking, just strong typography, bold colour choices, and straight-talking content. Design that looks great not only in a superficial sense, but can be used to disambiguate and present complex data in a digestible manner.

As well as the aesthetic nature of this project, developing an uncomplicated tone of voice was pivotal in making the brand relatable. Out with esoteric jargon and tech-speak, in with simplicity, clarity and the human touch. We teamed up with Alastair Dickie for content & brand strategy, Oliver Suchomski for design and Jon Walden for development.